Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Have you ever become disillusioned with life?

If you’re honest, the answer is probably yes. Perhaps it was a broken relationship. Maybe you faced a financial hardship, even the loss of your job. Or it could be that you took a look at the state of the world—suicide bombings, slaughter in Sudan, famine in Africa, or an earthquake in Haiti—and wondered how God could really be good.

What should we do when we find ourselves conflicted, tempted, or fighting a battle within? How can we restore connection with God when it feels like that connection has been lost?

To know God’s thoughts, we need new minds. The apostle Paul said it this way:

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (ESV)

If circumstances have caused you to doubt God’s goodness, you can renew your mind by focusing instead on the promises God has given you. These are the passages that people hang on the walls and embroider on pillows. We’ve heard them so often. But that doesn’t mean we’ve allowed them to pierce our hearts.

God’s promises are effective because they are true. They reveal His character. His merciful love for His children is unending. He desires and is able to provide for our needs. His goodness never fails. More than that, God’s promises give us new minds because they reveal to us our great need for Him.

Jesus shows us the solution to distraction and disillusionment in His Parable of the Sower, found in Matthew 13:18-24. It’s all about our reception of God’s Word, our ability to let Scripture permeate our minds and affect our thinking and actions. Rejection, disillusionment, and distraction can hinder us from responding to Scripture. On the other hand, they can act as a mirror that shows us the reality of who we are—the poor in Spirit. The kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these when they realize their total dependence on the Lord and His word for peace, for comfort, for clarity…for everything.

Today is a good day to remind yourself of what God has promised. Begin by revisiting some of the passages that we often quote but seldom think deeply about. Here is one to get you started. Don’t just recite it. Read it. Meditate on the words. Ponder what this means for you today. Ask God to show you the ways He is at work in the world and in your life.

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd,

I lack nothing.

He takes me to lush pastures,

he leads me to refreshing water.

He restores my strength.

He leads me down the right paths

for the sake of his reputation.

Even when I must walk through the darkest valley,

I fear no danger,

for you are with me;

your rod and your staff reassure me.

You prepare a feast before me

in plain sight of my enemies.

You refresh my head with oil;

my cup is completely full.

Surely your goodness and faithfulness will pursue me all my days,

and I will live in the Lord’s house for the rest of my life.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rethinking Resolutions

A couple of weeks have passed since people all over the world watched the ball drop and raised their glasses to the dawn of a new year. Spurred on by the prospect of a fresh start, many have seized this opportunity to lay out goals for the coming year. By now, some of these resolutions have been abandoned. That’s the thing about resolutions. They almost always zero in on areas in which we struggle. In the words of the apostle Paul, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” (Romans 7:15 NIV)

Our resolutions—the things we want to do—reveal much about the things we value. And for most of us, the goals we set involve doing something—i.e., losing weight, changing bad habits, advancing our professional position, etc. Always striving, always grasping for more. We live in a world that esteems accomplishment and activity. Even in our leisure time, we often seek pleasure in noise, lights, excitement, or competition.

And we wonder why inner peace seems out of reach. Is it possible we have forgotten how to be silent?

The early church fathers valued spiritual disciplines like silence and solitude. In the New Testament, we see the example of Jesus Himself, who often went to a solitary place to commune with His Father—our Father. Yet today, many Christians have given little thought to the idea of Sabbath rest, let alone silence. It feels wrong somehow, setting aside a block of time when you plan to accomplish absolutely nothing (at least not in the tangible sense). Yet this is exactly what God calls us to do.

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

In our stillness, as the haze of activity begins to lift, we are finally able to listen. We dwell on God’s goodness and faithfulness. We feel a new desire to pour our lives out to him in return. In time, we may even see a shift in the priorities that dictate our days.

And so this year, I challenge you to make a new resolution to do…nothing. Carve out periods of silence and stillness and write them on the calendar if necessary. Respond to the Lord’s invitation. He will meet you in the stillness.


Our Collect

Thank you dear God for this wonderful new day and all the gifts and blessings you are graciously bestowing upon us. Thank you for our lives and all you have provided to support them.

We pray that this day you will direct and guide us in the humble sublimation of our will to your service and, through prayer we can be at one with you. Help us to hear and understand your call, whatever it may be, and that your Holy Spirit within us (Indwelling) will give us the strength and courage to put your service above all temptation and worldly distractions.

We pray that this day we can see the world and all that is in it through the eyes and heart of Jesus Christ. That we will be kind, gentle, patient, loving, understanding, and forgiving, so that we may do for others what you would have us do for them.

As we walk in prayer throughout this day, may our lives be a window through which your light may shine. Please guide us in being helpful, compassionate, caring, polite, considerate and generous to those in need and to those who are troubled and suffering so that we may be a part of your earthly works (Praxis).

We love you with all our heart and all our soul. We pray to you, dear God, that we may love others as Christ loved us, and that we may strive for justice and peace and for the respect and dignity of every human being.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The God of All Comfort

Is it really possible to experience inner peace in the midst of any situation, no matter the circumstances?

The Christmas season often magnifies our everyday emotions. For many, it really does feel like the most wonderful time of the year. For others, the full calendar brings feelings of stress and pressure.

For still others, the celebrations, the decorations, and the music, are bittersweet. The loss of a loved one overshadows the beauty of the season. The familiar rituals open old wounds. And what of those who are, even now, experiencing the searing pain of fresh loss, watching a beloved spouse or child slip away? Where is God’s peace in moments like these?

Whether we feel it or not, the fact is that God is constantly reaching out His hand to us, ready to comfort us-- if we will only receive it. Unfortunately, instead of looking to the Lord for comfort we turn to earthly counterfeits, temporary salves for our deep hurts. All the while, God stands ready with His tested, enduring love and comfort. He leads us beside quiet waters, restoring our soul, and as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we don’t have to fear the evil that may befall us, for He is with us, His rod and staff comfort us (Ps. 23:2-4).

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Comforter, the paraclete (i.e. John 14:16,26,15:26), and in this role He fulfills two functions: to lead us to the truth and to remind us of God’s promises. The comfort the Spirit offers is the truth about God and His steadfast love for us, and the truth about who we are in Christ. God is not a god who sleeps, rather, He is constantly working for the good of His beloved children, for whom He works all things together for good. The Spirit gently reminds us of this even when we are languishing in our doubts and fears, offering comfort in eternal love.

But we can ignore, even reject this comfort. In Psalm 77 Asaph speaks of holding out his hand, even while seeking the Lord in his trouble, refusing to be comforted. How many times do we wallow in our desperate prayers, stiff-arming God’s offer of comfort? We talk. We rage. But we don’t listen. We prefer to feel awful, even to punish ourselves, over receiving the grace and peace He gives.

Do you need God’s comfort today? Perhaps today is your day to finally cease striving, to rest in the embrace of a loving Father. We can rest easy knowing that those who mourn are blessed, for they will be comforted (Matt. 5:4). We can comfort each other with the comfort by which we ourselves are comforted by God (II Cor. 1:4). And we can release our worries and fears at the quiet waters He would lead us to... if we would only follow.

A Prayer

If we trust and have faith in the Lord

He will answer our prayers

He will show us the way

He will protect us from danger

He will shower us with love.

He will save you from fear.

You will never be alone.

If we trust and have faith in the Lord

He will answer our prayers

He will show us the way

He will protect us from danger

He will shower us with love.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Who am I to tell you about inner peace?

Who am I to tell you about inner peace?

My own journey to inner peace has been a long one—almost a century long, to be exact. I was born in 1920 and grew up in the oil fields of Odessa, Texas. In my life, I’ve fulfilled many roles. After WWII I was a Hollywood actor and producer. An oil man. A rancher. A civic leader and philanthropist. A husband and father.

I have always been a driven person, the kind of man who sees potential, who founds things: The William Moss Institute, a charitable and educational organization at the American University, Washington DC; Television Corporation of America, which produced a Peabody Award-winning documentary. The list goes on…

Like so many who want to be a part of positive change in America, I became politically active early in my life. I’ve chaired countless committees, helped raise millions of dollars for causes I believe in, and worked closely with the Bush family for many years. In 1989, at the request of President George H. W. Bush, I organized and was chairman of the President’s Drug Advisory Council, which was part of the Executive Branch of the White House. The Council was formed to advise the President on ways to involve the private sector in the war on drugs. I’m particularly proud of the things the Council accomplished.

A person’s resume tells you very little about who they are when nobody is watching. My business life was an obvious success. But I was a man in need of redemption, of divine intervention, and a spiritual awaking. God used several key moments to draw me to Himself. One of those was meeting my wife, Dianne. We were introduced by a mutual friend in 1995. Dianne has been, and still is, one of the strongest influences in my own redemption.

It might surprise you, then, to discover my most recent noteworthy accomplishment. After becoming a member of Alcoholics Anonymous at the age of 85, I am looking forward to celebrating my fifth year of sobriety. There are many reasons alcoholics drink; however, inner peace is not one of them.

Any successful person, if he or she is truthful, will tell you that success does not necessarily bring peace—not between you and others and not within your own heart. But neither does failure.

Consider the words of the apostle Paul:
“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” (Philippians 4:12, NIV)

What is Paul’s secret, the source of his contentment (a key milestone on the path to inner peace)?

“I can do all things through him [Christ] who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13, NIV)

When I began to pursue Christ’s presence in my life, to carve out quiet moments and immerse myself in Scripture, I finally experienced true peace. The Bible clearly tells us that Christ gives every believer the strength to find contentment, to experience inner peace. But many of us rarely experience the peace we long for. Are you allowing your circumstances and the attitudes of your hearts to blind you to Christ’s strength, to distract you from pursuing His peace?


Dear God I know that all things work together for the good of those who love you. I have asked for Your direction and I believe that I am where You want me to be. I am comfortable; I am at peace. You have blessed me in so many ways. I am grateful for all that You have done for me. I put my life in Your hands.
Thank you for granting me inner peace.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Take a moment to meditate and listen to the still small voice of God. Find a quiet place where you are relaxed yet aware of peace in God's presence. Sit quietly and listen to your breathing and to the sounds of the world around you, both outside and in the place where you are. Breathe slowly and rest in God's presence...

(From Catherine Maclean, crofter, Naast, Gairloch)

Bless to me, O God,
Each thing mine eye sees ;
Bless to me, O God,
Each sound mine ear hears ;
Bless to me, O God,
Each odour that goes to my nostrils
Bless to me, O God,
Each taste that goes to my lips ;
Each note that goes to my song,
Each ray that guides my way,
Each thing that I pursue.
Each lure that tempts my will,
The zeal that seeks my living soul.
The Three that seek my heart,
The zeal that seeks my living soul,
The Three that seek my heart.

(taken from Carmina Gadelica)